Our work culture is unexpected, and we’re careful who we hire.

Volunteering to pack boxes one week, racing go-karts at high velocity the next. It’s all part of being on the Dedicated team. You can hear it in the weekly stand-up or the one-on-one coaching sessions. You’ll see it in the way your contributions are heard, acknowledged, and acted upon.

We’re careful about who we hire because, once you’re on board, you’ve signed up to challenge stereotypes about collections, about business, and about how we can change the world.

Working in collections is a healthy, fulfilling, holistic career. Said no one ever. Until now.

Sure, we’re familiar with the usual stigma of collection agencies. But we’re changing things in a big way. We’re treating clients, employees, and guarantors with respect. We’re not using auto-dialers. We’re listening to each other’s stories.

We’ve found a way to do good and create good in the world with something that is typically swimming in negative stereotypes.

If you want to change the world by changing an industry, then you want to work with us.

“You would hardly know they’re a collection agency. Very rational and logical when implementing policy or structure changes. Very weird for a collection agency to be rational.”
— Dedicated Workout Specialist, Glassdoor Review